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Hadleigh Junior School

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

In the event of snow


Procedures in the event of snow and severe weather conditions

There may be occasions when it is necessary to close the school in order to ensure the safety of both the students and staff. In most cases, the decision to close is made due to snow or ice making the school and the local area unsafe. We will take advice from appropriate authorities and take account of local conditions. However, it remains our intention to keep the school open whenever possible.

This is what we will do in the following cases:

Severe adverse weather conditions - changes to usual arrangements

  • Send out a ParentMail with details
  • Update our Facebook page
  • Update the school's website.

Severe adverse weather conditions - school closure

Deteriorating adverse weather conditions leading to school closure during the day

  • Students will be allowed to go home
  • School will send out a ParentMail
  • Facebook page and school website will be updated
  • Facilities will be made available at school for those pupils who cannot return home until their parents/carers arrive to collect them.

In the event of any closure, home learning will be set via Class Dojo, in-line with our Remote Learning Policy.

Please ensure that all contact details i.e. home, work and mobile telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are up to date to ensure that the school is able to contact you if necessary.

Please note  that local radio stations no longer announce or publicise via their websites the school closure lists. This is only done via Essex County Council or through the school options mentioned above. 

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